Investor Communications
A Diverse Team Of Experts
Imagination’s specialised Investor Communications team offers unrivalled investor marketing experience spanning 35+ years, 750+ IPOs, and 1,000s of investor events. We bring together a diverse team in a dynamic environment to craft creative communications that simplify the complex and generate breakthrough ideas at scale, across a variety of mediums. Our team applies a deep understanding of the markets, investors, and the investment process itself to develop engaging content and memorable experiences that fuse the rational and emotional to captivate investors and deliver powerful results. As a trusted partner to market leaders and disruptors alike, we bring the added creativity and capacity of an extended team of storytellers, strategists, creative directors, filmmakers, designers, financial writers, producers, event organisers, and logistics managers. We collaborate closely with our clients to craft narratives reinforcing the investment case that not only set companies apart, but also advance the investor brand through clear, concise, and compelling messages.
Our Mission
Our mission is to transform investor perceptions by forging a powerful connection with the mission, strategy, and leadership. Through captivating stories and unforgettable experiences that simplify the complex and bring the investment case to life, we aim to continually strengthen the investor brand and leave a lasting impact.
Our Investor Communications Offering
We communicate the case to investors through clear, concise, and compelling narrative both at major investor events and reinforced during intra-quarter periods.
We offer a comprehensive and unrivalled array of creative services to support new listings. Our team works closely with management and advisors to plan and execute IR campaigns that express the investment thesis across mediums. We’re able to scale services from smaller capital raises up to the largest jumbo offerings.
Investors participating in company-hosted, in-person and virtual investor days devote considerable time and attention to deepening their understanding of the rationale covering the strategy, new developments, and outlook. We create immersive investor events that draw in participants through a conscious build out of physical spaces and digital mediums with pre-produced, highly polished sound, lighting, video, animation, presentations, and Q&As.
Deal and non-deal roadshows provide management teams with an opportunity to present the investment case and engage in Q&A with prospective investors. Creating a compelling experience for investors is essential to generating interest. We develop environments and content that manifest the company’s brand, mission, history, differentiators, and future.
Management provides reams of data and commentary at quarterly earnings and intermittently at investor conferences, with material updates contained in regulatory filings. Even the closest followers, however, can struggle to incorporate and contextualise the information. We strategise to create a series of intra-quarter, shorter-form, on-demand, and easily consumable digital media to deepen engagement on the story through short-form videos, podcasts, vlogs, blog posts with interactive charts, and digital forums.
Retail investors are now an undeniable force in the stock market. The rationale for designing and implementing a campaign that is additive to overall IR efforts is far more compelling today than in prior years. We conceive and implement dual-track campaigns tied to metrics for reporting. Campaigns are designed to complement and extend institutional investor marketing efforts by repurposing existing data and information contained in presentations, transcripts, and filings.
We collaborate with clients to develop both native content and cut downs of existing content on subjects ranging from growth prospects to the long-term investment cases and economic impact that are of particular interest to investors. All content is developed to be platform-specific and easily shareable to drive potential investors to the IR site.
Our team supports dealmaking from the initial stages of pre-marketing through to deal approvals by shareholders. Compelling short and long-form videos can provide investors with an introduction to the company or more in-depth focuses on products/services, technologies, and new markets as the situation warrants. All with the purpose of generating interest and educating prospective buyers for more productive in-person meetings.
Corporate reports to shareholders and stakeholders more broadly present an opportunity to deepen understanding of strategy and performance, environmental initiatives, social impact, sustainable networks, and priorities for the future. From print to interactive digital sites that incorporate new media, graphics, and video, we facilitate corporate reports every step of the way with services that include creative, writing, and web design.
Our History
Imagination pioneered the role of roadshow consultancy during the 1980s privatisation era in the UK. In the succeeding years, Imagination’s Investor Communications team created ambitious management roadshows, investor days, and IPO events during a period of rapid growth in cross-border investment. Over the past decade, Imagination’s IPO films set the standard for marketing founder-led, high-growth companies to prospective investors.
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